Dr. Mélanie Haupt

Dr.  Mélanie Haupt

Dr. Mélanie Haupt

Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

ETH Zürich

Ökologisches Systemdesign

HIF D 27.1

Laura-Hezner-Weg 7

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

  • Research interest:
    • Material flow analyses and life cycle assessments of waste management systems
    • Combination of process and mass flow modeling, LCA and optimization techniques to support decision making for more sustainable waste and resource management.
    • Circular Economy
    • Clean Cycles - safe disposal and the need for sinks in waste treatment activities
  • Research projects:
    • A sustainable CircuLar Economy – Combining a material flow with a business and policy perspective (TACLE)
    • Optimizing resource efficiency while preventing pollutant exposure through plastics recycling

Melanie Haupt (born 1986) is Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich in the Ecological Systems Design group since 2020. She has a master in Environmental Engineering at ETH Zurich which she completed with a ETH-medal awarded master thesis written at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. She then wrote her PhD thesis on environmental assessment of resource and energy recovery in waste management systems in the Ecological Systems Design Group at ETH Zurich. Her current research foci include the development of indicators for a circular economy, the creation of clean resource cycles on the case of plastic recycling and the transition towards a sustainable circular economy.


2020 - present Senior Scientist, Chair of Ecological Systems Design (ESD), ETH Zürich
2018 - 2020 PostDoc, Chair of Ecological Systems Design (ESD), ETH Zürich
2012 - 2018 PhD Candiate, Chair of Ecological Systems Design (ESD), ETH Zürich
2010 - 2012 MSc in Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich (Master degree in August 2012 with the master thesis written at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
2007 - 2010 Student assistant at the institute of environmental engineering ETH Zurich, at the chair of ecological system design
2007 - 2010 BSc in Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich


Year Distinction
2012 ETH Medal for master thesis

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
102-0325-AAL Waste Management
102-0325-10L Waste Management
102-0338-01L Waste Management and Circular Economy


Doctoral thesis


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