Environmental assessment of land-use related biodiversity loss

In the short video here above, PhD student Francesca Rosa gives a brief overview of the project (if the video is not available in your region, please use external page this link).

Many agricultural and forest commodities consumed in the industrialized world are produced in developing countries and emerging economies. Environmental impacts, such as biodiversity loss due to land-use change, do not occur only at the production phase but also along entire global supply chains. Decision-support tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can be used to assess the overall impact of a product's life cycle and thus achieve more sustainable consumption. LCA calculates inputs and outputs (i.e., resource use and emissions) along the life cycle of a product, from the extraction of raw materials to production, use, and finally disposal or recycling. In a second step, the environmental impacts of these inputs (e.g., on biodiversity) and emissions are modeled. In LCA, all environmentally relevant impacts of inputs and outputs should be assessed to give a comprehensive picture of potential trade-offs between different environmental impacts, for, example between climate change and biodiversity loss.
This research line aims to develop a global, spatially differentiated assessment method of land use impacts on biodiversity compatible with LCA. To assess the land use impacts, the difference in biodiversity (measured as changes in species abundance and richness) between a production system (e.g., arable land) and a reference situation (e.g., a semi-​natural ecosystem) within the same region is assessed. Even though much progress has been made recently, this methodology can still be improved.

Current project

Advancing the assessment of land-use related biodiversity impact of supply chains.

PhD candidate: Francesca Rosa

This project aims to address some limitations in current methodologies, specifically focusing on the impacts of forest biomass demand across various forest management intensities. Additionally, it seeks to implement a more comprehensive biodiversity metric that incorporates aspects such as functional diversity, which are currently underrepresented in existing approaches.

Biodiversity response and land use


Finished Projects

Doctoral Thesis of Laura de Baan

Doctoral thesis of Abhishek Chaudhary

These projects aimed to quantify region-specific impacts of various land use types on biodiversity (expressed as species richness) at the global scale. A meta-analysis of peer-reviewed publications was conducted to collect the pertaining data. If region-specific data was missing, impacts were approximated with average data across larger spatial scales (e.g. biomes). In addition, globally available data on species richness, endemism and ecosystem vulnerability were used to further account for region-specific differences.
This work was part of the interdisciplinary project myEcosystem - Assessing and Compensating the Ecosystem Impacts of Agricultural Products in the North-South Context, funded by ETH Zurich as a CHIRP (Collaborative, Highly Interdisciplinary Research) project.
Duration: 2009 - 2016

Biodiversity Impact Assessment Considering Land Use Intensities and Fragmentation
Laura Scherer, Francesca Rosa, Zhongxiao Sun, Ottar Michelsen, Valeria De Laurentiis, Alexandra Marques, Stephan Pfister, Francesca Verones and Koen J.J. Kuipers
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 57: no. 48, pp. 19612-19623, American Chemical Society, 2023.
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c04191

Can Forest Management Practices Counteract Species Loss Arising from Increasing European Demand for Forest Biomass under Climate Mitigation Scenarios?
Francesca Rosa, Fulvio Di Fulvio, Pekka Lauri, Adam Felton, Nicklas Forsell, Stephan Pfister and Stefanie Hellweg
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 57: no. 5, pp. 2149-2161, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2023.
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c07867

Global extinction probabilities of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species groups for use in Life Cycle Assessment
Francesca Verones, Koen Kuipers, Montserrat Núñez, Francesca Rosa, Laura Scherer, Alexandra Marques, Ottar Michelsen, Valerio Barbarossa, Benjamin Jaffe, Stephan Pfister and Martin Dorber
Ecological Indicators, vol. 142, pp. 109204, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022.
external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109204

Linking land use inventories to biodiversity impact assessment methods
Laura Scherer, Valeria De Laurentiis, Alexandra Marques, Ottar Michelsen, Elizabeth Migoni Alejandre, Stephan Pfister, Francesca Rosa and Benedetto Rugani
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol. 26: no. 12, pp. 2315-2320, Berlin: Springer, 2021.
external page https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-021-02003-y

Impact of Forest Management on Species Richness: Global Meta-Analysis and Economic Trade-Offs
Chaudhary A, Burivalova Z, Pin Koh L, Hellweg S
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 23954, 2016
external page httpexternal page s://doi.org/10.1038/srep23954

Spatially Explicit Analysis of Biodiversity Loss Due to Global Agriculture, Pasture and Forest Land Use from a Producer and Consumer Perspective
Chaudhary A, Pfister S, Hellweg S
Environ. Sci. Technol, 50 (7), pp 3928–3936, 2016
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b06153

Quantifying Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity: Combining Species-Area Models and Vulnerability Indicators
Chaudhary A, Verones F, de Baan L, Hellweg S
Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (16), pp 9987–9995, 2015
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b02507

High resolution assessment of land use impacts on biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment using species habitat suitability modelsexternal page
de Baan L, Curran M, Rondini PV, Hellweg S, Köllner T
Environ. Sci. Technol, 49 (4), 2237–2244 t, 2015
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/es504380t

Land Use in Life Cycle Assessment: Global Characterization Factors Based on Regional and Global Potential Species Extinction
de Baan L, Mutel CL, Curran M, Hellweg S, Köllner T
Environmental Science and Technology, 47 (16), 9281–9290, 2013
external page https://doi.org/10.1021/es400592q

Assessing biodiversity Impacts of European future forest management strategies: territorial and footprint perspective
Francesca Rosa, Fulvio di Fulvio, Pekka Lauri, Nicklas Forsell, Adam Felton, Stephan Pfister, Stefanie Hellweg
Setac Europe, Online, May 2021

, +41 44 633 99 49)

, +41 44 633 75 71)

, +41 44 633 43 37)

The current project started in 2019

Biodiversity, Land use, Agriculture, Forestry, LCIA, LCA

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