SULTAN Remediation and reprocessing of sulfidic mining waste sites

In the short video here above, PhD student Lugas Raka Adrianto gives a brief overview on the project (if the video is not available in your region, please use external page this link).

This project covers all the links in the tailings-reprocessing value chain. Our project partners develop methodologies to assess the resource potential of Europe’s main tailings families and explore the valorization of the clean(ed) tailing residues in circular-economy applications. Our task is to develop a novel environmental assessment methodology to assess the new valorisation processes and compare them among each other as well as with conventional tailings. The purpose is to detect potential drawbacks and trade-offs at an early development stage and to provide feedback to process designers about priorities and system improvements.

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European Training Network for the Remediation and Reprocessing of Sulfidic Mining Waste Site

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Potential of Mechanochemically Activated Sulfidic Mining Waste Rock for Alkali Activation
He Niu, Lugas Raka Adrianto, Alexandra Gomez Escobar, Vladimir Zhukov, Priyadharshini Perumal, Janne Kauppi, Paivo Kinnunen and Mirja Illikainen
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, vol. 7, pp. 1575-1588, New York: Springer, 2021
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How can LCA include prospective elements to assess emerging technologies and system transitions? The 76th LCA Discussion Forum on Life Cycle Assessment, 19 November 2020
Lugas Raka Adrianto, Mitchell K. van der Hulst, Janot P. Tokaya, Rickard Arvidsson, Carlos F. Blanco, Carla Caldeira, Gonzalo Guillén-Gonsálbez, Serenella Sala, Bernhard Steubing, Matthias Buyle, Mohamad Kaddoura, Nicolas H. Navarre, Julien Pedneault, Massimo Pizzol, Beatrice Salieri, Toon van Harmelen and Mara Hauck
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol. 26: no. 8, pp. 1541-1544, Berlin: Springer, 2021.
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Prospective environmental assessment of reprocessing and valorization alternatives for sulfidic copper tailings
Lugas Raka Adrianto and Stephan Pfister
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 186, pp. 106567, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022.
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Mine waste as a sustainable resource for facing bricks
Francisco Veiga Simão, Hilde Chambart, Laure Vandemeulebroeke, Peter Nielsen, Lugas Raka Adrianto, Stephan Pfister and Valérie Cappuyns
Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 368, pp. 133118, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022.
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Regionalized Life Cycle Inventories of Global Sulfidic Copper Tailings
Lugas Raka Adrianto, Stephan Pfister and Stefanie Hellweg
Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 56: no. 7, pp. 4553-4564, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2022.
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Resources Management, Mining, LCA, LCIA, LCI, Tailings

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