Sustainability assessment of metals, food, and energy supply chains

In the short video here above, Post-doc Livia Cabernard gives a brief overview of the project (if the video is not available in your region, please use external page this link).

This project focuses on the improved sustainability assessment of global supply chains, especially in the metals industry, the future bioeconomy, and with regard to the energy transition. This allows to bridge the information gap from the local scale of resource extraction to the international scale of processing, manufacturing, and final consumption, while addressing the key environmental issues listed by the UN agenda. The goal is to explore strategies for more sustainable supply chains under future scenarios to provide decision support for industry and policy at global and national scales.

This project builds on the Doctoral Thesis of Livia Cabernard

Creating transparency in global value chains and their environmental impacts to support sustainability policies
Livia Cabernard
Doctoral Thesis, Zurich, ETH Zurich, 2022.



, +41 44 633 75 71)

, +41 44 633 43 37)

Started in 2022, ongoing

supply chain management, sustainable development goals, metals, bioeconomy, energy transition, climate impacts, water stress, biodiversity loss, multi-regional input-output analysis (MRIO)

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