Sustainable Production and Consumption of Foods

Doctoral thesis of Franziska Stoessel

Production and consumption of food has significant impacts on the environment, like climate change, high water consumption and loss of biodiversity. The present project aims for the optimization of wholesalers purchasing in order to obtain sustainability.
We evaluate and carry out high-quality life cycle assessments to identify ecological optimizing potentials.
This means in detail:

  • We assist the purchasers in retail business to make their decisions upon our recommendations
  • We establish a basis for a product marketing which helps the consumer to decide ecologically

Cooperation with




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    Science of the Total Environment, vol. 630, pp. 913-921, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2018
  • Assessing the environmental impact of agricultural production on soil in a global Life Cycle Impact Assessment method: A framework
    Franziska Stoessel, Dörte Bachmann, Stefanie Hellweg
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on LCA in the AgriFood Sector, Dublin Ireland, 2016
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    International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2016
  • Life Cycle Inventory and Carbon and Water FoodPrint of Fruits and Vegetables: Application to a Swiss Retailer
    Franziska Stoessel, Ronnie Juraske, Stephan Pfister, Stefanie Hellweg
    Environmental Science&Technology, 2012
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  • Beyer, J: Regionale Bewertung der Wassernutzung in einer Oekobilanz am Beispiel der Erdbeerproduktion, 2008BA01
  • Fumasoli, T: LCA of Food Production in Switzerland: Pork, 2007BA07
  • Sidler, D: Ökobilanz von Schweizer Hartkäse, 2007BA08
  • Meylan, G: Life Cycle Assessment of Online and Conventional Shopping – A Case Study of Retailing in the Zurich Region
  • Nydecker, C., Oekobilanz Wein
  • Wyss, F., Oekobilanz der Orangensaftproduktion
  • Ulrich, L., Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Meals - The Impact of Home Preparation and Cooking
  • ETH Life: CO2-Bilanz der einheimischen Spargel ist unschlagbar
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