Master thesis
Master theses are available for students enrolled in the Environmental Engineering curriculum at D-BAUG, as well as those in other degree programs such as STP, MEST, and Environmental Sciences.
Currently offered topics
Available Master thesis topics (and completed works) are listed below with short descriptions and the supervisor. Please contact the supervisor(s) for more information. We also encourage students to develop their own ideas for Master research and consult them with either Prof. Hellweg, Prof. Pfister or other potential supervisors. Additionally, you can find the current research areas of the chair on the Research section; don't hesitate to directly contact the relevant person for further inquiries. E-mail addresses can be found on the People page.
The Download group-internal guidelines (PDF, 156 KB) at the Chair of Ecological Systems Design are only complementary to the guidelines of the study program. Students following the Environmental Engineering study program should also refer to the new Download guidance document for BSc and MSc theses and projects in Environmental Engineering (PDF, 160 KB).
All students are required to follow the guidelines Download citation etiquette (PDF, 59 KB).
For the poster, the official ETH poster templates should be used. Guidance on how to create a poster can be found Download here (PDF, 110 KB).
Disclaimer (from the Download group-internal guidelines (PDF, 156 KB))
Students should insert the following disclaimer in the final version of the theses (1st page after front page): “The following document contains the uncorrected version of a student thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the position or the views of either the academic supervisors or the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)."