Master project

The Master project is part of the environmental engineering masters degree, typically spanning the duration of a semester. This project work provides the opportunity to specialise in subject-specific topics in applied form or to undertake research-orientated investigations.

Currently offered topics

Available Master project topics are listed below with short descriptions and the supervisor. Please contact the supervisor(s) for more information. We also encourage students to develop their own ideas for a project work and consult them with either Prof. Hellweg, Prof. Pfister or other potential supervisors. Additionally, you can find the current research areas of the chair on the Research section; don't hesitate to directly contact the relevant person for further inquiries. E-mail addresses can be found on the People page.

  • Bacchetta, Nirando: Elemental Composition of Plastic Packaging and its possible Impacts on Recycling
  • Ferrari, Tommaso: Building Stock Modelling for Urban Mining
  • Padron Flasher, Kristi: Chemical makeup of recycled material depending on origin and processing
  • Laios, Thalia: Mechanized Removal of Asphalt from Road Demolition Waste
  • Taparelli, Raffaele: Density sorting in a fluidized bed
  • Bleiker, Saskia: Ökobilanz unterschiedlicher Ufertypen: Kann naturnaher Flussbau klimaneutral sein?
  • Kasiththamby, Rajisun: GeoPlastX
  • Stricker, Josch: Improved long part separator Q+
  • Achermann, Fabian: Evaluation of Calcium Hydroxide Evolution in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash from Incinerator to Landfill
  • Dang, Minh: Evaluation of Calcium Hydroxide Evolution in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash from Incinerator to Landfill
  • Lorenz, Sandro: Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Capture and Utilization in Iceland
  • Muehlmann, Andreas: Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Capture and Utilization in Iceland
  • Marhendra, Bara A.: Citizen Science Framework for Monitoring Open Burning Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Country
  • Huang, X.: Predicting biological activity of plastic additives, monomers and processing aids using in-silico molecular docking prediction
  • Sager, A. / Seitz, D.: Behaviour of Asbestos Fibres in MSWI Plants
  • Sai, E.: Dynamic Material Flow Analysis of elevators in residential buildings in Switzerland
  • Valentine, L.-L.: Carbon & Water footprint of citrus fruit grown on an organic grove in Spain, distributed directly to end-consumers in Switzerland
  • Zenger, B.: Prognosemodell zum Verlauf des Füllstandes von Wertstoffsammelcontainer
  • Baumann, D. und Nauser, I.: Evaluation of measures to obtain energy self sufficiency using renewable energy for a farm operating a dry digestion biogas plant with combined heat and power plant
  • Chen, X. und Xie, T.: Life Cycle Assessment of Dips
  • Eggenschwiler, K. und Rigo, E.: Reduktion des Plastikeintrags in die Grungut- und Lebensmittelverwertung - ein Vergleich zwischen der Schweiz und Europa
  • Hafner, D. und Wehrli, C.: Aluminium and Silver in Switzerland - Their potential for urban mining and circular economy
  • Li, Y.: Options for reducing air pollution in Chinese chemical sector
  • Puthiyidom, A.: Environmental impacts of lithium mining: Comparison of mines by location-specific impacts
  • Zhu, Q.: Are there healthy, climate-friendly and enjoyable diets?
  • Aniwa, X., Reduction of global coal power plants mercury emissions and gaseous mercury concentrations
  • Herrmann/Fuchs: Innovative Separator for Long Fraction of Bulk Solids
  • Luck, M., Modelling of material and energy flows in the modern dry flue gas treatment of a MSW incineration plant
  • Droz-Georget, H., Reduction of Regional and Temporal Particulate Matter Health Impacts in China
  • Hadjikyriakou, P., Studying the application of multi-regional input output tables in climate risk analysis
  • Hensley, J., Reduction of regional particulate matter health impacts in China
  • Hirschi, A., Reducing particulate matter impacts from coal power plants in China using economic policies
  • Iten, L., Agricultural Land-Use Intensity and Its Influence on Biodiversity
  • Küchler, D., LCA eines Gebäudeenergiesystems auf Basis von Wasserstoff in einer Schweizer Alpenhütte
  • Lei, M., Reduction of Regional Particulate Matter Impacts from Coal Power Plant in China from Coal Supply Chain Optimization
  • Waser, E., Influence of recycling rate target on secondary resource quality and associated recycling processes


  • Binkert, A., Accurately crediting heat recovery from MSWI plants in LCAs - Analysis of the seasonal variation of energy carriers used in Zurich’s district heating network
  • Bittlingmeyer, Y., Vergleichende Ökobilanz des LEACHPHOS- Phosphorrecyclings aus Klärschlammasche
  • Çinar, G., Scenario analysis for okara valorization (tofurei engel)
  • Elbert, F., Biowaste Conversion Model for Four Biological Treatment Technologies
  • Huisman, T., Elements towards a methodology for social impact assessment
  • Meier, D., Nachhaltigkeit von Tischlein deck dich
  • Page, P., Sustainable investments, current framework and environmental assessment methods
  • Schär, G., Schwermetalle in schweizerischem Grüngut
  • Wiprächtiger, M., Vergleich unterschiedlicher Szenarien der dezentralen und zentralen Vergärung von Rindergüllefraktionen


  • Aykol, D., In situ Methanisierung in Biogasanlagen durch Direktdosierung von H2
  • Christen, T., Biogasanlage Alp Bösbächi Kanton GL
  • Haas, A., A Python Tool for S-LCA
  • Hippenmeyer, N., Kosten - Nutzen - Effizienz von RecyclingsystemenIsenschmid, A., Biogas Oberblegi GL
  • Kristinsson, B., Scenario analysis of Þingvellir national park in Iceland
  • Mehr, J. & Roth, S., Development of a Tool Refining the Regional Resolution in Life Cycle Inventory
  • Michelsen, C., Recyclability of Rare and Critical Metals in Electrical and Electronic Waste
  • Mosch, S., Marktstudie für den Einsatz organischer Dünger im Gartenbau
  • Roth, D., Energetisches Potential zentral anfallender Industrieabfälle der Branche Textil, Leder, und Bekleidung in der Schweiz
  • Saputelli, L., Modelling Neodymium stocks and flows based on service lifetime and storage time of private laptops and desktop computers within Switzerland
  • Schegg, B. & Winkler, J., Grundlagenversuche zum selektiven Aufschluss von Metallen in KVA-Schlacke
  • Zermin, F., CO2 footprint of diets in different European states and the environmental impact of Swiss canteen consumption in comparison to Swiss home consumption


  • Boucher, J., Assessing Waste Streams of Building Demollition and Renovation in the City of Zurich
  • Burri, R., & Knecht, K., HLK-Optionen beim Umbau eines EFHs am Beispiel "Im Bungert"
  • Frischknecht, S., & Grahm, L., Animal production systems: Development and application of a method to quantify environmental impacts
  • Graf, V., Defining Longitudinal Zone-Level Species Discharge Relationships for Streams in the U.S.A.
  • Keller, B., Ünique
  • Lanners, S., Environemental Impacts of selected Menus in ETH Zurich Canteen
  • Lustenberger, P., Crop Blue Water Consumption in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
  • Nüssli, R., Technological development of the recycling processes of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( WEEE ) since 2005
  • Pohl, T. & Zürcher, O., Entwicklung eines Detektionsverfahrens für Beryllium - Kupferlegierungen
  • Seshasai, S., Modeling biomethane production from anaerobic co-digestion of multiple substrates under operational conditions


  • Ackermann, C., Nanoparticle Emissions during a BBQ Event with a Charcoal Grill
  • Deshpande, P., Assessment of Pollutant Emissions and Occupational Exposure in the Informal E-Waste Recycling and Disposal Facilities
  • Flück, A., Ökobilanz eines Polypropylen Bechers vom Mehrwegsystem Cupcycle
  • Krasnobaev, A., Furniture and flooring solutions in Switzerland: Environmental impact assessment of the status quo and the future development


  • Chen, Y., Methodology for analysis cyclic siloxanes in personal care products sold in Switzerland
  • Mueller, B., Nanoparticle Measurements and Modelling at Texaid
  • Gorski, S., Temperature Modeling of the Broye Catchment
  • Haupt, M., Dynamic modelling of a municipal solid waste incineration plant for waste streams and nanoparticles
  • Hirzel, R., Life cycle assessment of deep geological repositories for radioactive waste storage in Sweden


  • Brändli, F., Scaling of Telecommunication
  • Caduff, U., Regionalized assessment of the land use impact of agriculture in Kenya
  • Della Chiesa, M., Processing Spinach, Milk and Babyfood
  • Fernandes, M., Bottom-Up Methodology Validated Against the Energy Monitoring Tool for a Multi-Product/Multi-Purpose Chemical Batch Plant
  • Goldberg, E., A Critical Review of the Emergy-Exergy Debate
  • López de Obeso, L., Assessing the Carbon Footprint of a Brewery and Proposing Scenarios for Emissions Reduction Possibilities
  • Mutzner, L., Modeling of pesticide residues in maracuja fruits from Colombia
  • Theodorika, C., Ecological risk assessment of the water effluent of a ferronickel production plant in Europe


  • Dikonimou, I., Nanosilver toxicity on the aquatic environment
  • Fahrni, A., SPA of Biofuels from Algae (supervised by Empa)
  • Gerber, B., Life Cycle Assessment of digestion plants
  • Hangartner, D., Model for heating demand in greenhouses
  • Meyer, M., CO2-balance of various lifestyles
  • Pauli, M., LCA-Analysis of transportation routes for wine imports
  • Reifler, N., Dynamic fate modeling of pesticides in banana plantations
  • von Gunten, D., Waste management and recycling strategies for Sershul (China)
  • Zimmermann, H., Case Study of a Regionalized Assessment of Irrigation Energy Demand and Albedo for the LCI of Wheat in the US


  • Itten, R., Uncertainty Analysis of a Model for the Computation of Crop Water Requirement
  • Ulrich, L., Oekobilanz der Nahrungsmittelzubereitung
  • Verones, F, Freshwater use in industrial production – Determining amounts and quality for environmental impact assessment


  • Ferraro, F. Oekobilanz einer Biogasanlage für die Gemeinde Ballwil LU
  • Keller, D., Input- und technologieabhängiges Modell für die Bewertung von Sondermüllverbrennung
  • Nydecker, C., Oekobilanz Wein
  • Wyss, F., Oekobilanz der Orangensaftproduktion


  • Salzmann, C: Stoffflussanalyse des Siedlungsabfalls in Europa, 2007BA12
  • Saner, D: Assessment and Communication of Environmental Impacts of Laundry Detergents - Life Cycle Assessment of an Extruded Compact Powder Detergent and a Liquid Detergent


  • Caduff-Kinkel, M: "Quick and Sound" LCA methods applied to Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) from the packaging industry


The Download group-internal guidelines (PDF, 145 KB) at the Chair of Ecological Systems Design are only complementary to the guidelines of the study program. Students following the Environmental Engineering study program should also refer to the new guidance document for BSc and MSc theses and projects in Environmental Engineering.

All students are required to follow the guidelines Download citation etiquette (PDF, 59 KB).

Disclaimer (from the Download group-internal guidelines (PDF, 145 KB))

Students should insert the following disclaimer in the final version of the theses (1st page after front page): “The following document contains the uncorrected version of a student thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the position or the views of either the academic supervisors or the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)."

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