Article from ESD members among top downloaded papers

ESD Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hellweg and Dr. Maja Wiprächtiger have been awarded by Journal of Industrial Ecology, since their study about circular economy appplied to clothing and furniture is among the top downloaded papers from January to December 2022.

by Carlo Schmid

Exciting news! One ESD paper stands out as one of top downloaded papers in Journal of Industrial Ecology from January to December 2022!The paper is "external pageTurning trash into treasure: An approach to the environmental assessment of waste prevention and its application to clothing and furniture in Switzerland" by Maja Wiprächtiger, Martina Rapp, Stefanie Hellweg, Rhythima Shinde, Melanie Haupt.
The paper develops an approach to assess the environmental impacts of waste prevention activities, which is environmentally superior to recycling or recovery according to waste hierarchy.

Read more external pagehere.

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