TACLE Towards A sustainable CircuLar Economy

To decouple economic growth from increased natural resource use and hence environmental impacts the concept of Circular Economy (CE) has experienced increased attention. Hitherto, a holistic approach on how to manage the transition from a linear to a CE is lacking. The questions on how and if a sustainable CE can be achieved remains open. This project aims at answering these questions by combining a resource perspective with a socioeconomic perspective (see detailed description below). In a first step, opportunities to increase resource efficiency in Swiss industry by closing material cycles in environmentally friendly ways and potentials for waste prevention are identified and quantified, including aspects of material quality. To do so, all industrial by-products and wastes in Switzerland are mapped. In parallel, the international realm of innovations and policies that contribute to a CE is screened. Subsequently, up to three value chains are selected and analyzed in-depth from a resource and a socioeconomic perspective. The outcome of joining the two perspectives will lead to recommendations to optimize regional and supra regional resource exchanges, recommendations on value chain reconfigurations, as well as recommendations for policy makers and businesses on how to manage the transition from linear to CE.

external page http://www.nrp73.ch/en/projects/circular-economy/towards-a-sustainable-circular-economy

TACLE schematic overview

In the short video here below, Dr. Maja Wiprächtiger gives a brief overview of the project: 

If the video is not available in your region, please use external page this link.


The project is a collaboration with the SusTec group of Volker Hoffmann at ETH.

A framework for sustainable and circular system design: Development and application on thermal insulation materials

Maja Wiprächtiger, Mélanie Haupt, Niko Heeren, Eliane Waser and Stefanie Hellweg
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 154, pp. 104631, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020.

external page DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104631   Research Collection

Turning trash into treasure: An approach to the environmental assessment of waste prevention and its application to clothing and furniture in Switzerland

Maja Wiprächtiger, Martina Rapp, Stefanie Hellweg, Rhythima Shinde and Melanie Haupt
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26, 1389-1405, 2022

external page https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13275

Summary of the publication

Poster presentation: Circular System Design - A case study on insulation material in Switzerland

Maja Wiprächtiger, Melanie Haupt, Niko Heeren, Eliane Waser, Stefanie Hellweg
Science to Support Circular Economy Symposium TU Wien, 19. September 2018 
external page Link


Dr. Maja Wiprächtiger, Postdoc (, +41 44 633 76 39)

Prof. , +41 44 633 43 37)

2018 - 2022

Circular Economy, Material Flows

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