Dr. Vanessa Schenker

Dr.  Vanessa Schenker

Dr. Vanessa Schenker

Staff of Professorship for Environmental Systems Design

ETH Zürich

Ökologisches Systemdesign

HIF D 11

Laura-Hezner-Weg 7

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Regionalized life cycle assessment of metal mining and processing


2019 - now Postdoctoral researcher/PhD candidate at the Chair of Ecological Systems Design, ETH Zurich
2018 - 2019 Geologist at Building department Zurich, Office of waste, water, energy and air, agency contaminated sites
2018  Internship at GNS Science, Research Institute, New Zealand
2014 - 2018 Exhibition mediator at focusTerra, the Earth Science Research and Information Centre of ETH Zurich
2015 - 2017 Assistant at the Earth Science department, ETH Zurich
2015 - 2017 Master of Science in Earth Science, Major in Geochemistry and mineralogy, ETH Zurich
2012 - 2015 Bachelor of Science in Earth Science, ETH Zurich

A brief overview of Vanessa Schenker's research project at ESD:

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Vanessa Schenker's presentation


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